Golden days, few and precious.
Sara Shull was standing, literally, at a fork in the road, looking at the black, bony trees of winter against the background of white world and white sky when a poem of hope formed in her mind. Which was odd, because she had never written poetry. That very day in 2010 she started a blog as a place to collect her writings. Now, she pursues writing primarily as an overflow of worship from the thoughts that come together when reading the Word of God, daily serving her family, observing so much in nature and life that points her to God, and waiting to see how God turns all of that into an inner dialogue of Joy. Prose, poetry, and humor from daily life… it’s all Treasure from the Junk Drawer of her mind. Sara has written the occasional article for The Old Schoolhouse magazine, but spends most of her time at the end of a sunny dirt road, homeschooling and living life with her eleven children (now in various stages of grown, growing, and adding significant others to the mix) and laughing with her husband about their crazy life.
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