Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter's longing

Looking out the window this morning, I was thinking about how easy it is to love the first snowfall of the season when the beautiful flakes come down by the millions and cover all the ugliness of dreary Fall. How happy, too, to think of our own ugliness being covered by God’s grace. But, today I was thinking that amazingly, God our Father has done more for us in Christ . . . how can it be? It’s not just the white covering of winter freezing us solid along with covering our sins. It’s new life, abundant life, all things made new. The promise of Springtime and Summer and warmth and love along with our new robes. And we are not lost in the process, but found and loved and . . . I can barely whisper it . . . glorified, so we can bear His Glory. Such good news. I’m thankful for seasons that teach me through the longing for Spring when gray skies come day after day–for seasons that teach my heart to hope for more. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Winter's longing

Snow blows through the black framed trees.

Wrinkled white blankets
     cover soil at rest and
          flutter ragged at the seams.

Mud and old discarded things
     are hidden from our sight.
          Forgotten piles and projects fast asleep.

Covered but not made new.
     A cold and lifeless beauty.

The joy of sparkling powder
     has faded into gray;
          a chill comes through the glass.
Shoulders hunched in sweaters,
     we shiver at the bleakness
          and hope for Spring.


“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow . . .” Isaiah 1:18

(So Jesus again said to them, . . . )
. . . “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

1 comment:

  1. Sara - Praise to God for his dazzling creation and all the detailed wisdom he has both hidden & displayed - from the subatomic mysteries to the ridiculously distant reaches of the universe, - and also for the very clear & ready treasure for us in his Words, which so amplify & clarify the meaning in his other creation, as you also share (verses).

    Also, I thank God for you, - giving you this poem & all your others. You speak straight to my heart & echo my own feelings, conversations & thoughts, and my mom's, and also Phoebe's, - who also writes lovely poems.

    I really love your poetry & just now indulged myself with reading / rereading all the poems on your blog:) Huge treat! Also, just to be esp. nice to a friend, I shared w/her a link to your blog, like a present :) I think God will really bless her when she gets a chance to sit & reflect on the beauty & goodness of the Lord through your writings.
    Well, don't you love February? I really do. Happy day to you all, w/much love, Rachel Pierson XO
    P.S. I forgot my identity on this blog - so I'm choosing anonymous - if that works. Don't feel like doing computer stuff like creating account, etc.
